Pilgrims Quarter
The redevelopment of Pilgrims Quarter in Newcastle is situation directly above the underground Metro line. Monitoring of the Metro line tunnel during the works required the integration of several monitoring technologies.
This extensive redevelopment project, Pilgrim’s Quarter is a new office destination in the heart of Newcastle City Centre, delivering approximately 63,000 sq m (Gross Internal Area) of Grade-A office accommodation.
During the extensive redevelopment works of Pilgrims Quarter, Newcastle, several structures require observation and monitoring to ensure they were not experiencing excessive movement due to the works. These structures included an active underground metro line running directly beneath Pilgrims Quarter.
SENSORS: The internal walls of the tunnel and shaft are of steel construction and sensors required a non-destructive installation.
TOTAL STATION: The addition of a total station to the monitoring array is required to measure specific positions within the tunnel to identify any movement. The total station and M1 comms box require a stable and reliable power supply.
POWER: The sites power is provided by a 110v mains power feed. The reliability of the power supply is unknown.
1no. Trimble S7 1"
1no. M1 Settop Box
9no. Tiltmeters
4no. Accelerometers
2no. Vibrometers
94no. Monitoring Prisms
1no. LoRa Gateway
1no. Dyna-mo Vision with 2 cameras
1no. 200Ah 110vdc Back-Up Power System (Custom)
15no. Magnetic Mount Kits
1no. IP Power Monitoring Camera
1no. 30m LTE Mobile Antenna Extension Kit
1no. IP67 Move Solutions Gateway Enclosure
The tiltmeters, total station and prisms are installed metro tunnel and shaft. Accelerometers and vibrometers were installed as an additional level of monitoring to observe the vibration experienced by the structures during the works. The Vision system is installed to monitor activity in the Metro tunnel identifying if sensor readings are relating to rail activity, other activity in the tunnel or if sensor triggers are relating to the ground level construction works.
The monitoring system installation was completed over several nights with the tiltmeters, accelerometers and vibrometers installed, utilising magnet mount kits, so there was no need for drilling or fixing.
The monitoring system will remain in place until the redeveopment works above are completed.
Utilising our magnetic mount kits enabled the sensors to be quickly and easily installled without the need to drill in to the steel structure.
The Vision camera system was able to provide compelte coverage of the entire length of tunnel being monitored despite the 0 light conditios.
The custom back-up power system provides a reliable power source if the 110Vdc mains power onsite fails and is able to keep the remote sensor gateway, ATS system and Vision camera system online for several days.
The Vision system simplified mobile data connection, providing both power and data connection to the wireless sensor gateway.
Due to the remote and subterranian location of the install we were unable to provide onsite support. To ensure the installation went ahead without a hitch, the system was pre-configured tested in full before shipping to Academy Geomatics.