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How secure is your Technology?

With the cost of theft and vandalism in the construction industry continuously on the rise, despite great efforts to use both physical measures and technology to prevent and deter offenders, how can you protect your investment in new technology?

The amount of innovation on construction sites, structural assets and properties is growing endlessly with new automation, controls (both Quality and Health & Safety), digitisation and time saving systems and devices. Unfortunately this valuable tech brings with it the interest from less desirable parties who see these investments as an opportunity to make a quick buck.

Simon Alderson, the Development Director for VPS and the elected Chairman of the Vacant Property Protection Group of the BSIA, the British Security Industry Association was recently quoted as saying

“Sometimes the best-fit solution combines fewer manned security guards with more specialist technologies. Better, more dynamic security strategies for building sites are required,”

With Move Solutions new wireless dynamic #structuralhealthmonitoring system capabilities it is vital that components are protected from vandalism and theft wherever possible. Post lock-down thefts from construction sites rose 50% in 2020 and there is no indication that the situation is improving in 2021.

UK Construction Media recently stated,

“Despite warnings and growing crime rates, owners of construction sites and tradesmen leave themselves vulnerable as they do not do enough to protect their businesses.”

A recent survey by the Chartered Institute of Building revealed 92% of respondents were directly affected by petty crime, with 21% stating that their construction sites were robbed on a weekly basis.

This is one of the key reasons behind Dyna-mo Instruments launching its range of supporting installation and security products.

It’s often not the theft of the technology itself which is most costly, but the time and people resource in replacing and reinstalling the lost components and reporting the crime.

A small investment in a fully integrated security solution can help save significant lost time and cost and ensure your Move Solution system is reusable on future projects.

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Nb. This post references extracts from


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